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Buy the Dang Coffee Masterclass

Jeff Osborne walks you through chapter by chapter of his best selling book "Buy the Dang Coffee". Learn the significance of one move and the risk it took to buy the cup of coffee that would transform a life forever.


About this Workshop

 It’s amazing what a single cup of coffee can do to change a persons life. Few people realize the power behind a single action and how one move can change the outcome of an entire situation. Buy The Dang Coffee shows the significance of one move and the risk it took to buy the cup of coffee that would transform a life forever.

Browse Class

  • In this class, discover a major blessing that God wants you to have for your life.

  • In this class, you'll find out how your reaction to life can either elevate or deflate your dreams, and you'll be equipped to succeed against all odds.

  • In this class, you'll be able to recognize the Divine Dissatisfaction in your life. We'll help identify your pain points and prepare you to make the shift needed to move away from that pain.

  • In this class, you're going to find out what happens when you choose to commit to that faith risk you know you need to make! You'll discover what happens when you choose to have more and be obedient to what God says rather than what other people say.

  • In this class, we'll explore what it means to build faith ditches. What happens when you begin to prepare for your promise long before you see it? In this section, we'll find out what happens when your faith meets action.

  • In this video I am going to be walking through how I navigate foiling the mohawk section, and my go to formulas and placements for lowlighting

  • In this class, you'll find out what happens when you begin to change your words. You'll unlock one of the most powerful principles for a life of abundance. Where is your power? Let's find out.

  • In this class, we'll uncover the challenges that come with being attached to the wrong people. You'll find out how a simple change in your surroundings can shift the type of residue on your mind and in your life.

  • Conclusion - we'll close out this master class with a final word!

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